0 4 Simple Steps to End a Panic Attack

Panic Attacks Are Common When I first became certified as a Hypnotherapist in 1990, I was surprised by the number of people who came to me with anxiety and panic attacks. Many people experience panic attacks frequently and live their lives avoiding situations that frighten them, in many cases irrationally. This simple technique for ending a panic attack was part of my hypnotherapy training and has been used successfully by many of my clients since then. Using the four easy steps below, you can learn to end a panic attack in as little as three minutes. What Is A Panic Attack? A panic attack is a condition of adrenaline being released...

0 Novel Ways to Eat Less

One of the most widely suggested tips to lose weight easily is, in fact, the hardest thing to do. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, about 38 percent of people, who were obese and controlled their diet strictly, witnessed a loss of 5 percent of their total body weight by the end of 2 years and those, who didn’t monitor their diet, packed 5 percent more by the end of 2 years. With multiplexes flashing tempting advertisements of fatty food at passersby, there is hardly any way you can stop yourself, but here are certain strategies that can help you reduce food portions even without you realising.  Use...

0 How to be Disciplined to Lose Weight

When on a journey to lose weight, discipline is a friend, a philosopher and a guide who gets you to your aim. It is the cornerstone for anything that you want to see yourself achieving. It is one of the most sought after virtues. Discipline begins at an early age. However, it can be easily inducted in one’s lifetime.  There are many ways in which one can get disciplined; the prime factor here is to have the mind in a strong position so that one can get in the, I want to lose weight mode. Know the flipside - Find out what will happen if you do not lose weight, try and research on the topic. You will know that excessive weight...

0 Can Fruits & Nuts Make You Lose Weight?

Eating Fruits and Nuts is considered a healthy choice for people who are trying to lose weight.  Both of these provide high quality, fibre rich and low fat nutrients to your body and are very easy to carry.  Although nuts and fruits  alone cannot provide complete nourishment to your body, they are indeed a great option for snacking as a part of your balanced weight loss diet plan. Before including them in your diet plan, consider your daily calorie intake, required fat consumption and food preferences. Weight Loss with Nuts The rule of thumb to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume in a day. Therefore,...

0 High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Diabetes increases your risk of developing cardiovascular problems, diabetic eye disease and kidney disease. All these complications of diabetes are worsened if you have hypertension.    Relation between diabetes and hypertension You do not develop diabetes because you have hypertension but hypertension can worsen many complications in people with diabetes, like heart disease, diabetic eye disease and kidney disease. Many people with diabetes have co-morbid hypertension (almost 60% of people with diabetes have hypertension as well).Diabetes affects the arteries and leads to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs due to build-up...

0 Diabetes: 5 Steps to Body Care

Every diabetic knows the vitalities to a healthy life: balanced diet, regular exercise, weight management and checkups. Making sure that one takes care of his/her body to waver off complications is just as important. Some of the biggest concerns with diabetes include: chronic skin infections foot infections tooth loss and gum disease vision problems blood circulation and heart diseases. Here are 5 steps to keep the body free of any complications. Feet Care Common problems of the feet may cause several complications such as fungal infections, corns, blisters, dry skin, sores, ingrown toenails, plantar warts and calluses....

0 Causes of Split Ends

When cuticle (it forms third outer layer of our hair) is damaged, the scales on the cuticles separate and our hair become dry, thus resulting in split ends. Split ends make our hair look weak and dull and our hair loses texture and volume. In this regard, it is important for you to note that the only way of getting rid of split end is to cut off the damaged ends.Read about a few reasons that cause split ends and avoid any of these damage-causing practices from stealing good health of your hair.Over Brushing your HairWhile a few would love the unkempt look, there are those who want to look prim and proper always, as a result these...

0 How to Prevent White Hair

Most people would start to grow significant strands of white hair during their 30s and 40s. It embarrasses them but they can no longer ignore the problem. Many people start to dye their hair but that is not a lasting solution. Although there is no harm in getting your hair dyed, but there is nothing like naturally flawless black hair. There is no way to reverse natural greying of hair as it depends on genetic factors, but you can prevent premature greying (hair becoming white) by following the tips given below: Use of Avla – Make a paste of Avla in water and apply to the hair. Let it rest for 1 to 2 hours...

1 Side Effects of Weight Gain Powder

Boon for body building enthusiasts, health supplements such as weight gain powder are shortcut to get bigger and stronger muscles along with gaining weight. In the same manner, people with the desire to gain weight consume weight gain power without any second thoughts. One must have complete understanding of dangers of health supplements before choosing these. The quickest way of increasing body weight is not the safest way, as its usage has not been accredited or recommended by physicians. Weight gain powderAvailable in various flavored powders and mixed with liquid, weight gain powder raises body's ability to produce energy in a...

0 Weight Gain Tips for Men

Do you feel that your body is too lean and thin? If you want to pack your body with right amount of weight at the right places in order to give an edge to your personality, go through the points listed below and work accordingly. The basic thing about gaining weight is to eat more.  Just as the people wishing to reduce weight need to eat less, you need to eat more. The same rule applies in both the cases. As you cannot have much food in a single meal, increase the number of meals you take in a day. You should have something to eat after every 2 hours. Calculate the number of calories that you consume daily and also the...

0 Alcohol and Weight Gain

Who doesn’t enjoy a stiff drink at the end of a taxing day at work; or a couple of beers on a Saturday evening with friends? But Alcohol and Weight Gain are synonymous unfortunately so your alcohol consumption is playing havoc with your weight loss (or gain) plans.According to a research paper entitled “Patterns of alcohol drinking and its association with obesity” written by Ahmed A Arif of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Centre, USA and James E Rohrer of Mayo Clinic Family Medicine Program/Rochester, USA; and published by the Bio Med Central, current drinkers were found to have lower odds of obesity than non-drinkers. But...

0 Tips to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Instead of trying quick fix, artificial means for weight loss, it's best to go in for natural, healthy means: regular exercise, a nutritious, low-calorie diet and stress control. Many weight-loss pills have serious side-effects and are therefore best avoided.Weight-loss pills can help obese patients only if used together with a restricted diet and regular exercise or the treatment will be ineffective. Also, they are meant for simple nutritional obesity and have no role in patients suffering from other causes of increased weight such as thyroid disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), side effect of certain drugs, etc.Different weight-loss...

1 Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on Heart

‘Lose 10 kilos in a week’ may sound tempting to try, but it also involves a great degree of risk. For instance, rapid weight loss, which includes extreme low calorie diet and stringent workout schedules besides restricting foods, may be harmful to your heart’s health. Effects on Functions of HeartAccording to a research by the Weill Cornell Medical College, rapid weight loss puts the heart in danger by increasing the risk of heart attacks. Here’s how the heart’s functions are affected by rapid weight loss. A strict workout regimen may disrupt heart’s primary function of pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body. In a quest to...

0 Brain Health Benefits of DHA Omega-3

It’s important to eat a balanced diet and maintain an exercise routine for overall wellness, but people often don’t think of keeping their brains healthy. Lifestyle factors - including nutrition - play a critical role in brain health throughout life, and can have an important influence on how the brain develops and functions from infancy through late adulthood.  Benefits of DHA Omega-3DHA Omega-3 is one of the good fats, known as a polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is one of the three major omega-3 fatty acids and it has been shown to support brain health throughout every stage of life. DHA is the dominant omega-3 fatty acid in your...

0 Surprising Health Benefits of Milk

Milk is a natural-wellness drink that provides you innumerable vitamins and nutrients including calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D. It promotes healthy function of your muscles and blood vessels, strengthen your bones and teeth and most importantly, keeps you hydrated. The list of pros of drinking milk does not end here; it has several other health benefits that are rarely known.      Milk prevents Cardiovascular Diseases A recent study on Welsh men has found a significant link between milk/dairy consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular ailments. The men who regularly drank milk had fewer incidences of heart attack...

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