0 Novel Ways to Eat Less

Novel ways to eat lessOne of the most widely suggested tips to lose weight easily is, in fact, the hardest thing to do. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, about 38 percent of people, who were obese and controlled their diet strictly, witnessed a loss of 5 percent of their total body weight by the end of 2 years and those, who didn’t monitor their diet, packed 5 percent more by the end of 2 years. With multiplexes flashing tempting advertisements of fatty food at passersby, there is hardly any way you can stop yourself, but here are certain strategies that can help you reduce food portions even without you realising. 

Use Smaller plates/bowls

If you are turning away thinking this strategy won’t work, we have a proven study reported by researchers from Cornell University, who found out that when the participants were given identical servings in bowls of different size, the one’s, who ate on a smaller sized bowl, ate less. Researchers suggest that one must make an effort to add healthy food items into the plate more than those that breed fats.

Use larger folk/spoon

It may sound counter intuitive, but a study found out that people, who eat with a larger folk, are tricked into eating lesser quantity. Researchers, through their study, were amazed to find out that larger utensils tricked diners to think that they are eating more when actually, they ate less.

Keep healthy food atop the list and the fridge

Human instinct is to eat the first thing that is on sight when hunger strikes. Therefore, to make sure that you eat less and healthy, keep healthy food items within your reach and small packets of junk in the back. 

Eat with the non-dominant hand

If you usually eat with your right hand, start eating food with left and vice versa. Researchers, through a study, found out that participants, who ate with their dominant hands, ate out of habit and not because they were hungry.

Chew sugarless gum while cooking

Chewing sugarless gums helps one curb cravings and thereby, eating less. Chewing gum at regular intervals may not help one control diet, but having them at certain times of the day or night helps in eating less.


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