Milk is a natural-wellness drink that provides you innumerable vitamins and nutrients including calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D. It promotes healthy function of your muscles and blood vessels, strengthen your bones and teeth and most importantly, keeps you hydrated. The list of pros of drinking milk does not end here; it has several other health benefits that are rarely known.
Milk prevents Cardiovascular Diseases
A recent study on Welsh men has found a significant link between milk/dairy consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular ailments. The men who regularly drank milk had fewer incidences of heart attack opposed to those who had almost no or negligible consumption of milk. Although the researchers have suggested that this link could be due to certain properties of milk, the epidemiological studies have shown that the reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases can be contributed to higher intake of calcium.
Some specific studies have suggested that high intake of calcium can reduce LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol in our bloodstream and triggers higher levels of HDL ‘good’ cholesterol— both these factors are important for prevention of cardiovascular illnesses.
Milk reduces risk of Type 2 diabetes
Consumption of low-fat dairy products can help mar the risk of type 2 diabetes, suggests a recent study. The researchers studied more than 37,000 middle-aged women, who reportedly had highest consumption of low-fat dairy products. The study concluded that these women had lower chances of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those women who did not include much of dairy items in their diet. This can be due to the fact that the low-fat dairy products have low glycemic index, thus keeping the blood glucose level within the normal range and are rich in nutrients, especially calcium and magnesium.
Milk can prevent both Colorectal and Breast Cancer
A recent research has shown that 45, 000 Swedish men, who regularly drank 1.5 glass milk per day, had almost 35 per cent lesser risk of cancer than those whose consumption was limited to two glasses a week. Another study has shown that women who have been drinking milk since childhood had the least risk of developing breast cancer. The findings of these studies have shown high amount of calcium in the milk and a natural form of fat (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) in the dairy products prevent cancer.
Milk prevent obesity and excess of fat accumulation around the abdomen
It is a popular belief that dairy products cause weight gain, but studies have shown that people who include milk and dairy products in their diet tend to be slimmer than those who do not. The strongest link of milk consumption with lower risk of obesity was found with low-fat milk/dairy products.
Apart from above mentioned benefits of milk, it can be used as a moisturiser for soft, supple and glowing skin. Milk is a great source of vitamins and nutrients, therefore, try not to exclude milk from your diet. It is advisable to drink at least one cup of milk every day. If you are conscious about your weight, drink toned/low-fat/fat-free milk.
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