Do you have a special occasion and your new dress doesn’t look very good on you? Don’t panic, this diet will help you lose enough kilos to make your new outfit look as gorgeous as you want it to be. The diet lasts for one week only (7 days) and it must be followed strictly. Drinking a lot of water and 30 minutes of walking daily are highly recommended to achieve best results. Do not drink alcohol during this diet and preferably use low-sodium salt while cooking. Here is the diet plan:
For your breakfast choose one of the following fruit portions:
1 banana
1 apple
2 apples
100 g of pineapples
1 grapefruit
80 grams of strawberries
80 grams of raspberries
and one of the following protein sources:
1 egg (boiled)
75 grams of tuna
small light yogurt
2 spoons of bacon
1 cup of milk
and of of the following carbohydrate sources:
1 slice of whole wheat bread
1 cup of light cereals
3 small biscuits
100 g of fish (tuna and mackerel allowed too) or half a chicken breast or 100g of light white cheese
one cup of pasta or rice or one potato]
Green salad
Note: Your lunch must be cooked without any fat, you are only allowed to add fat free sauces to your meals.
Same as breakfast.
Good luck with losing the 5 kilos
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