0 Weight Loss Exercises for Children

Weight Loss Exercises for Children
With plethora of indoor games and convenient foods available, the kids are becoming susceptible to lifestyle diseases such as childhood obesity and diabetes. If your child is obese then it is the right time for you to alert her/him about health conditions throbbing at the door. The responsibility lies with you because you will have to motivate your child to lose weight and lead a healthier life. You can ask your child to choose from the exercises discussed below and encourage them to consistently work towards a healthy weight.


Instead of buying a play station for your overweight kid, get him/her a bicycle. Motivate your kid to do cycling for at least 30 minutes a day. It is a good cardiovascular activity.  To begin with, you can plan  a bicycle trip on a weekend with your family to the nearest children park. This will motivate them to take up bicycling as a sport. But, teach your kid about the traffic rules if he or she wants to venture out onto the road. For his or her safety, ensure that he/she wears safety gears at all times.


  • Practicing yoga would help your kid shed weight.  Also, yoga improves concentration, makes the body flexible and helps to reduce stress. Your child can try practicing the following yogasanas to lose weight. Butterfly pose: For this pose, ask your kid to sit in  an upright position with spine erect, knees bent and the soles of the feet joined together. Now, ask him or her to hold the sides of their joined feet with both palms and move the knees up and down.
  • Cobra Pose: Tell your kid to lie on his or her stomach on the ground with their hands tucked under his or her chest. Now, lift the upper body while not moving the lower body.  Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds.


Along with being a strength and muscle building workout, swimming is a fun activity too. If your kid loves to play in water then convincing him or her to swim for weight loss shouldn’t  be difficult. Get him or her enrolled in a swimming lesson and make sure that he/she regularly attends it. Make sure your child swims under supervision.


Dancing is a full body workout, which facilitates strenuous exercise of the abdomen, thighs and hands. To encourage your kid to dance, put on your dancing shoes and dance with your child. If this is not workable then enroll your kid in a dance class. Zumba, Samba, hip-hop and jazz are some dance forms that facilitate easy and fast weight loss.


Running is another  form of physical activity for kids to lose weight. So, you can indulge them in various field games that require running, such as football, cricket and rugby.

Hope these exercises find a way in your child’s routine life and motivates her/him enough to lose weight and live a disease-free life.


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